Have you noticed how lately converting leads for Newborn Sessions seems to be more difficult than before?

At times it can feel like an uphill struggle when conversions aren’t going well – and it can leave you questioning if your work is good enough, or what you’re doing wrong. Why aren’t they booking you? 

Is it because of the cost of living crisis? Is everybody really just “shopping around” for the best deal?

As it’s always the case, reality is a little more complex and what you are experiencing is the result of a few factors combined:

  • Newborn photography is now a highly competitive, overcrowded market
  • Photographers are now more prepared when it comes to marketing, and ready to invest time and money on different platforms
  • Yes, people are a little more careful when it comes to spending money… But more than anything, they are continuously presented with high quality options, sometimes at incredibly good prices

While most of the above is outside your control there are still strategies you can implement to boost your conversion rates and turn those leads into loyal clients.  

Now let’s tackle the challenge head-on, in this blog post we will share the top five tips that should significantly help you improve your conversion rates and transform leads into clients; let’s get started! 

Tip One – Respond Promptly to Leads and Enquiries 

We all know the saying, “Time is of the essence” and this is certainly true in the world of newborn photography. Prompt responses to leads and enquiries can make all the difference in converting potential clients into bookings.   

However, we understand that when you’re busy capturing those precious newborn moments it can make it challenging to respond as quickly as you’d like.   

When it’s not feasible to answer messages and emails within minutes and – for busy times – ensure you have a good, clear, automated response that directs your client to your social media and reassures them that you will be in touch very soon. 

Make sure you keep an eye on your messages and emails, and allocate time to respond properly as soon as possible.  

  • Respond within minutes whenever possible
  • Have automated responses for busy times
  • Reassure a full response as soon as possible

Tip Two: Test Your Replies & Pitch Your Tone Right 

When responding to enquiries, finding the right balance between friendly and professional is crucial – as it is to test a few different replies to see which one guarantees the highest conversion rate.

For example, start by testing a shorter and slightly longer version of your email. Also, compare the response rate when giving more information about your prices directly in your email, instead of referring to PDFs or websites.

It’s also essential to strike the right tone in your communication. Being overly casual (“Pally pally”) can come across as unprofessional, while being too formal might create a barrier between you and your potential clients. 

Consider tailoring your tone to match the client’s level of enthusiasm. by striking the right balance, you’ll create a positive impression and build a good customer rapport, increasing the likelihood of them booking a session. 

  • Avoid filling your emails with information about you – focus on THEM
  • Offer congratulations and build be personal: if using templates, make sure you personalise them as much as possible! 
  • Test different replies to enquiry to achieve high response rate

Tip Three: Don’t Make Clients Work Too Hard! 

In today’s fast-paced world, potential clients expect quick and convenient access to information, especially when it comes to pricing. Avoid making them work hard to find your rates, or jump through hoops! 

Instead of sending them links to lengthy price guides or directing them to navigate through your website , provide some clear and upfront information in your initial response; with at the very least your session fee and the price that packages start from. 

By presenting your pricing information clearly and directly, you’re not only making their decision process easier and information quicker to re-visit but also demonstrating your professionalism and commitment to excellent customer service.

  • Remember that your clients are as busy as you are
  • Ensure your first email is succinct 
  • Make sure prices are easily retrievable

Remember that providing information about your services is totally part of your job: so don’t “punish” a client who have missed pricing information on your website by directing them to the same page they are coming from: take the time to help them and you will be rewarded.

Tip Four: Provide Direct Answers to Client Questions

As a follow on to Tip Three, when a potential client asks a particular question about your pricing or services, don’t leave them guessing. Answer their questions directly in your response, for example, if they ask for the price of a newborn session with all the images on USB, tell them! Don’t just direct them to a brochure or website. Of course you can make it clear that other options and products are available too! 

Imagine you’re shopping for a sofa, and you ask the salesman about the price of a specific model. How frustrating would it be if instead of giving you a clear answer, they handed you a thick brochure and told you to find the prices yourself? 

Just like in retail, excellent customer service is crucial to photography. If a client is comparing multiple photographers and you are the one who provides clear, direct answers to their questions, you’ll undoubtedly stand out as the more helpful and professional choice. 

Remember that providing information about your services is totally part of your job: so don’t “punish” a client who have missed pricing information on your website by directing them to the same page they are coming from: take the time to help them and you will be rewarded.

  • Provide excellent customer service from the beginning so your client has faith in you
  • Be clear, direct and helpful
  • Answer specific questions without referring to links/websites 

Tip Five: Follow Up! Don’t Underestimate the Power of Persistence 

We cannot stress this one enough! In today’s fast-paced world, people often delay important decisions, putting off responses ‘until tomorrow’ With hectic schedules and endless to-do lists, expecting immediate responses or on-the-spot decisions is often unrealistic. 

Don’t assume that a lack of immediate response signifies disinterest. Instead, take proactive steps to follow up with potential clients and keep your services fresh in their minds. Invite questions and offer further information to encourage engagement and demonstrate your dedication to meeting their needs. 

A well-timed follow up can make all the difference between a lost opportunity and a successful booking. Trust us, it works! We’ve even had people thank us for reminding them when they thought they’d left booking too late. 

To help you with this process, you should also consider using WhatsApp Business for one of your touch points: this is an excellent tool as it allow you to send media files (images, videos, PDFs) in an easy way and without the need for annoying links.

Of course, you won’t win them all this way, but what have you got to lose? Try to follow up the day after their initial enquiry, then a few days later and then, if necessary, a little closer to their due date. It costs nothing but your time and could result in a significant pay off! 

  • Keep communication open
  • Gently remind them of you and your services
  • Share nurturing content like galleries, slideshow, useful blog posts

In the current over-crowded market, converting your leads requires patience, persistence and creativity – most likely, your leads have also enquired with other photographers, so make sure to delight them from the get go!

Hi, I am Giulia (weird, uh? It sounds like Julia – but it’s written with a “Gi”) and I am the founder of Grow Your Photography Studio.

I am known for my no-BS, hands-on approach to helping newborn photographers get more clients and grow a business they actually enjoy running. I believe marketing should not be a “necessary evil” and that taking action is the first and most fundamental step toward success.

Thinking about our Marketing Mentoring programme? Read this first

We don’t do sales calls, but if you feel we might be a good fit you can book a free discovery call to work with me for an hour and see how that feels.

As a newborn photographer, getting your work seen by potential clients is crucial for growing your business. Most of this visibility comes through online search results in the current digital era, making search engine optimization (SEO) a crucial component of your marketing plan.

Google Search Console, a powerful, free tool from Google, can provide invaluable insights for your SEO efforts. This guide will walk you through the key aspects of Google Search Console that every newborn photographer should know and use to their advantage.

What is Google Search Console?

SEO for Newborn Photographers

The Google Search Console, or GSC in short, is a free tool that allows you to keep track of, maintain, and troubleshoot the performance of your website in Google Search results and other search engines that may use Google’s data.

Think of it as your website’s health check tool.

It doesn’t just provide insights; it also alerts you when Google encounters issues with your site and guides you on resolving them. Plus, it’s incredibly user-friendly, even if you’re not a tech whiz!

How Google Search Console Can Improve Your Website’s Performance

Google Search Console’s magic lies in its ability to:

  • Verify that Google can discover and navigate your website. GSC plays a crucial role in confirming that Google’s web spiders can access your content, a vital factor for your visibility in search results.
  • Rectify indexing issues. GSC is a useful tool in identifying and addressing any of your website’s pages that aren’t correctly indexed.
  • Analyse Google Search traffic information for your site. It enables you to learn which queries are leading traffic to your site and assess your site’s comprehensive visibility and standing in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages).
  • Send alerts when Google identifies problems on your site. GSC will promptly inform you if any issues arise, such as spam or indexing complications.
  • Indicate which websites are linking to yours. Monitoring backlinks is a crucial component of SEO, and GSC facilitates this process effectively.

The Interface and Main Features of Google Search Console

How to use Google Search Console to improve SEO for Newborn Photographers

Google Search Console and SEO for Newborn Photographers

The GSC dashboard is like a command center for your website. Here are some key features:

  • Overview: As soon as you log in, you’ll see your website’s performance, including total clicks, impressions, and the average click-through rate (CTR) and position. You can link Google Analytics for additional, in-depth user behavior analysis.
  • Performance: This tab provides more detailed information about your site’s performance, such as specific search queries that lead users to your site.
  • URL Inspection: Here, you can check individual URLs to see if they’re indexed and if there are any problems.
  • Coverage: This section shows you which pages are successfully indexed, which aren’t, and why.
  • Sitemaps: This is where you submit your site’s sitemap to help Google find and index your content.
  • Mobile Usability: With more people using their mobile devices to browse the web, this section is crucial as it will identify issues that might affect a mobile user’s experience on your site.
  • Links: This section provides information about where your site’s traffic is coming from, including external and internal links.

Remember, Google Search Console is like your silent partner in SEO, giving you vital feedback about your website and how it’s interacting with Google’s search engine. It’s an essential tool for any newborn photographer aiming to improve their online visibility.

Google Search Console Reports and Features

Performance Report

This report is a goldmine for newborn photographers wanting to understand how their website performs on Google. It shows the number of clicks your website gets from search results, the number of times it appeared in search results (impressions), the click-through rate, and the average position of your site in search results. Use this data to make informed decisions about your SEO strategy.

URL Inspection Tool and SEO for Newborn Photographers

As a newborn photographer, your portfolio is crucial. The URL inspection tool allows you to check the indexing status of each page on your website, including your portfolio pages and any other web pages. Use this tool to troubleshoot any issues that could prevent your web pages from appearing in Google’s search results.

Page Indexing Report

This report shows which of your website pages Google has indexed. An indexed page is one that Google has found and can include in search results. Use this report to ensure all your critical pages – such as your homepage, portfolio, and contact page – are indexed.

Sitemaps Report

Your website’s sitemap is a roadmap for Google’s bots to find and index all the pages on your site. This report displays your sitemap submission history and alerts you of any issues. Ensure your sitemap is updated and error-free, so Google can easily find all your content.

Page Experience Report

User experience is vital for any website, and a critical factor when improving SEO for Newborn Photographers. This report provides information about how your website performs regarding loading speed, mobile usability, and secure connections. A good page experience can keep potential clients on your site longer, increasing their chances of booking a session.

Enhancements Report

This report shows information about any structured data Google detects on your website. Structured data can enhance your search results, potentially improving the visibility of your photography site and increasing click-through rates.

Manual Actions Report

Manual actions are Google’s penalties for websites that violate their guidelines. As a photographer, your online reputation is crucial. Check this report and take immediate action if any issues are detected.

Links Report

This report helps you understand your site’s backlink profile. Backlinks are important as they are a ranking factor for Google. Knowing who links to you and which pages get the most links can help you strategize your SEO efforts.

Shopping Report

This report is for you if you sell photography-related products or services on your website. It shows data about any issues with your product-related structured data, which can affect how your products appear in Google’s search results.

AMP Report

AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) is a technology that makes web pages load faster on mobile devices. If you use AMP, this report will show any issues preventing Google from indexing your AMP pages. Fast-loading pages are crucial for a good user experience, so fix any issues this report brings up.

Specific Uses for Newborn Photographers

Google Search Console is an indispensable tool for newborn photographers who want to optimise their websites for Google’s search engine. It offers many features and reports that can guide your SEO for newborn photographers and content strategies. Here are five specific ways newborn photographers can leverage Google Search Console:

1. Understanding Search Queries Related to Newborn Photography

One of the top benefits of Google Search Console is its ability to show you the SEO keywords people use to find your site. As a newborn photographer, you can understand the specific phrases potential clients use.

Are they searching for “newborn photographer in [your city]” or “best newborn photoshoot ideas”? Knowing this helps you tailor your website’s content and SEO strategy to match these queries, thus attracting more relevant traffic.

2. Identifying High-Performing and Low-Performing Content

Google Search Console’s Performance Report doesn’t just show your website’s overall performance and how individual pages are doing. This information is golden for you as a photographer.

For example, are your blog posts about behind-the-scenes details getting more clicks than your portfolio pages?

Or is a specific blog post about newborn safety measures during photoshoots performing poorly?

By identifying these high and low performers, you can adapt your content strategy, focusing on what works, improving what doesn’t, and incorporating relevant keywords.

3. Identifying Technical SEO Issues That May Be Affecting Image Search Results

As a photographer, image search results are crucial for you. Google Search Console can alert you to any technical SEO issues hindering your images’ visibility in search results, such as missing alt text or slow loading times.

By resolving these issues, you can ensure that your beautiful newborn photos are found and appreciated by potential clients.

4. Monitoring Backlinks to Your Newborn Photography Website

Backlinks, or links from other websites to yours, are an important factor in SEO. They drive traffic and signal to Google that your site provides valuable information.

Google Search Console’s ‘Links’ report shows you which sites link to you, the specific pages they’re linking to, and the text they use. This information can help you understand which of your pages are seen as valuable resources, informing your future content strategy.


Google Search Console is a powerful tool that significantly impacting your SEO efforts as a newborn photographer. By understanding and utilising the wealth of data and insights GSC provides, you can improve your site’s visibility and Google ranking in Google’s search results, attract more relevant traffic, and ultimately grow your business.

Remember, SEO is not a one-time activity but an ongoing process of optimisation and refinement. So, start using Google Search Console today and let the data guide your SEO and content strategies for better online success.

Search Console and SEO for Newborn Photographers: FAQs

How can Google Search Console help improve my SEO as a newborn photographer?

Google Search Console provides valuable insights into your website’s performance in search results. It shows you the queries people use to find your site, how individual pages perform, and any technical SEO issues affecting your visibility. You can use this data to optimise your content and SEO strategies, helping you attract more potential clients.

How does Google Search Console help with image search results?

Google Search Console can alert you to any technical SEO issues that might affect your images’ visibility in search results, such as missing alt text or slow loading times. By resolving these issues, you can ensure potential clients more easily find your beautiful newborn photos.

What is the benefit of monitoring backlinks on Google Search Console for my newborn photography website?

Backlinks, or links from other websites to yours, are an important factor in SEO for Newborn Photographers.

They drive traffic to your site and signal to Google that your site provides valuable information. Google Search Console’s ‘Links’ report shows you which sites link to you, the specific pages they’re linking to, and the text they use. This can inform your future content strategy and help you understand which of your pages are seen as valuable resources.

I am a newborn photographer, and my website is new. How can Google Search Console help me?

As a new website, Google Search Console can help you ensure that your site is accessible for Google to crawl and index, which is crucial for appearing in search results. It can also provide valuable insights into how users find your site and which of your pages are performing best, helping you focus your SEO efforts more effectively. It can also alert you to any issues with your site that might affect its performance in search results.

Hi, I am Giulia (weird, uh? It sounds like Julia – but it’s written with a “Gi”) and I am the founder of Grow Your Photography Studio.

I am known for my no-BS, hands-on approach to helping newborn photographers get more clients and grow a business they actually enjoy running. I believe marketing should not be a “necessary evil” and that taking action is the first and most fundamental step toward success.

Feeling on the brink of burnout? Read our guide “Photographers on the brink of burnout

Thinking about our Marketing Mentoring programme? Read this first

Facebook Ads have always been a big part of our coaching The Marketing Mastermind for Newborn Photographers, but there is no doubt that they are becoming increasingly popular among Newborn Photographers.

While there are great courses available to get started with Facebook Ads, learning to use them effectively to get bookings for Newborn and Cake Smash sessions takes experience, patience and knowledge of the mechanics of advertising.

To help you get started, or improve your ads, here are the 5 most common mistakes I see photographers doing with Facebook Ads.

1 – Wrong Targeting (including Lookalike audiences)

Facebook knows more about your clients than you do, trust me.

With relatively new accounts, trying to force Facebook to only target those you believe are your “ideal clients” can do more harm than good – as it restricts the domain “the algorithm” is operating on.

Especially with Custom and Lookalike audiences, if your numbers are low (small following, not posting regularly, not done much advertising in the past) you risk seeing high advertising costs and not very good results.

2 – Ads Don’t Sell

Think about it this way: even when your ads are set to bring direct sales (for example an ad that links to a booking page) they are not the only element of your “funnel”.

At the very least, you have:

  • The product you are selling (is there enough demand? Have you sold it before)
  • Its pricing (not everything can be sold with an immediate profit via ads)
  • The product page, landing page or your own process for dealing with leads
  • The ad itself, with its campaign objective, targeting, copy, images

Each element contributes to your “conversion rate”, and I have seen so many times photographers saying their “ads don’t work” when the problem was somewhere else in the process.

3 – Wrong copy

An ad is not a post.

I see so often ads that look and sound like a post, written thinking that the person on the other side:

  • Knows exactly what you are talking about and how your session works
  • Knows you
  • Will stop everything they are doing and sit down to read your ad in detail

Copy that works should answer at least 3 questions:

Who should be reading?

What is in it for them (yes, because nobody wakes up in the morning thinking “uh, I can’t wait to read another ad so I can spend more money!)?

How can they get it (a call to action)

4 – Not tracking the difference between your Instagram and Facebook ads

There is a massive difference in advertising results between Facebook and Instagram, so when advertising on both platforms you should monitor very closely how your budget is being spent, and the results you are getting from each.

5 – Trying to convert leads from ads like you convert your website enquiries

This is also something I see quite often, not adapting the enquiry workflow to take into account where your leads are coming from.

You see, the biggest advantage of social media advertising is that you can reach potential clients before they start researching on their own – and before your competitors reach them. So by default, some of the leads you get will be colder (some also will find out that actually what you offer is not for them) and less informed about how newborn sessions, cake smashes or any other photoshoot works.

They will also spend a little time researching other options (spoiler alert: your other clients do exactly the same, you just don’t see it!) so they will need more nurturing.

As I always say to my clients, if you are not prepared to deal with this…. ads are not for you!

3 tips in this sense:

  • Don’t do Messenger ads and then immediately ask people for their email address when they contact you. The advantage of Messenger is the immediacy of the interaction, remove that and you might as well use a different campaign objective
  • Send out a standard reply to enquiry email, which is the same one you use for your website enquiries and it is not tweaked for the ad campaign you are running
  • Follow up on your leads (if you don’t, someone else will)

Last, but not least…

Possibly the most important thing to remember is that advertising and marketing, exactly like photography are a craft – that requires knowledge, experience and training.

While I always encourage photographers to try Facebook Ads, only do so if you are willing to spend time and money to learn how to make them work for you.

If you expect things to work overnight… chances are you will be disappointed and end up feeling frustrated.

Hi, I am Giulia (weird, uh? It sounds like Julia – but it’s written with a “Gi”) and I am the founder of Grow Your Photography Studio.

I am known for my no-BS, hands-on approach to helping newborn photographers get more clients and grow a business they actually enjoy running. I believe marketing should not be a “necessary evil” and that taking action is the first and most fundamental step toward success.

Feeling on the brink of burnout? Read our guide “Photographers on the brink of burnout

Thinking about our Marketing Mentoring programme? Read this first

Most of the times, all you need to do for your ads to work is to let

If you are considering my coaching – or any marketing services/course – chances are you expect one thing above everything else: results.

Enquiries, bookings and sales.

After all, that’s what marketing promises and that’s what it should deliver. Pretty simple.

You know what?

Not only do I agree with this, I can also guarantee that the pressure on this side of the exchange is as high as it is on yours: I am not one to take any responsibility lightly, ever, and this is one I feel even more because I know how it is to trust someone to enter your business.

There is a much more important question, however, that we seem to have collectively forgotten after years of exposure to seducing ads promoting marketing miracles and success stories shared on social: while it is reasonable to expect results when investing in marketing, how long should these results take and how much work will be required for them to arrive?

Anyone who has worked in marketing and advertising at a professional, serious level will tell you that there is only one type of business that is guaranteed quick and easy marketing results no matter what: the one that is ALREADY getting results.

It is not a case that big advertising agencies charge monthly retainers in the range of thousands of £ or ask clients to provide proof that their sales funnel is already successful: by doing so, they limit their clientele to businesses that are already succeeding.

There is only one type of business that is guaranteed quick and easy marketing results no matter what: the one that is ALREADY getting results.

So what about everyone else?

The equation is pretty easy.

There are two currencies in marketing and advertising: your time and your budget. The bigger the budget, the higher the chances you can speed up the process to the max. The lower the budget, the more time you will need to get where you want.

Lacking both, you will need to compromise on the quality of your leads or evaluate alternative ways to breathe monetary oxygen into your business.

Diving deeper into the “how long?” question

Those listed below are all factors that WILL (not “might”) affect your business results. I suggest you go through this list and keep track of your “No”: the more “no”, the longer it might get for you to get results.

  1. Have you served more than 200 paying clients since opening your business?
  2. Are you already generating the minimum number of bookings necessary to go even every month? Of course, this requires that you have been tracking this with an updated Cost of Doing Business
  3. Do you have more than 3k followers on Facebook (the size of your Instagram is not a real indication of anything unless you have “earn” most of your followers before the introduction of reels)?
  4. Is the vast majority of your following made of potential clients (so no friends, other photographers, or people who have been there for way too long to be considered active clients)?
  5. Have you had any success with online advertising before?
  6. Are your prices in line with the average in your area (or below, not that I suggest they should)?

Now, if you have answered no to most of these questions there is no need to panic, marketing can absolutely still help and, in fact, I would consider marketing help necessary in your situation especially considering how challenging the market is these days!

Just know getting things to work might not be a matter of a few weeks – since the fundamentals of your business need work.

Now, what are MY expectations?

There are 3 things I expect from all clients, and these are non-negotiable:

  1. I expect you to be honest about the above and your financial situation. As mentioned on my homepage and in several other pages, if you are in a financial emergency that should be addressed before you sign up for this coaching (or any coaching really).

    There are plenty of courses and coaches that target specifically people in a financial emergency and promise them a magic solution, but I am not in the business of exploiting people’s fears to sell my services.
  2. You might have noticed that I don’t pressure people to sign up. My process allows for enough time and space for you to decide if you believe this is right for you.

    These are the steps we follow to help you decide:

    – My homepage offers you a checklist to help you understand if this is right for you
    – You have a free 1-hour call with me before you are even offered a space
    – Your offer email includes an additional “Is this right for you?” checklist
    – You are also invited to read the “What if your coaching does not work for me?” article
    – You are given a 30-day money-back guarantee
    – I am also happy to offer additional calls to clear doubts before you sign up

I take this process very seriously, and I expect you to do the same because I want you to sign up feeling confident and knowing you can trust me.

You know why?

Because the absolute worst we can do is to spend our time together trying to convince you that this was the right investment – I want to spend our time DOING THE WORK required for you to grow, succeed and feel amazing.

As someone amazing I recently met told me… “With your best interest at heart”,


I have thought long and hard about using the word “conscious” in an industry that offers luxury services, but after a year of work, I still believe this might be the best way to define this new – or better, different – approach to business.

So let’s begin by defining what “conscious” means.

Simply put, “conscious business” is a way of seeing business as a human matter (and experience) because the reality is that every interaction with our clients – from marketing to sales – IS an interaction between two human beings.

Yes, the very same way we claim that our clients forget there is a human on the other side… we also often forget our “clients” are human, going through our same worries, fears, stresses and doubts.

But why does this matter?

In the words of Brené Brown:

“All I know is that my life is better when I assume that people are doing their best. It keeps me out of judgment and lets me focus on what is, and not what should or could be.”

Brené Brown

Now if we see business as a human matter the choice for us business owners is simple: we can choose to make every act of business, or interaction with our clients (from marketing to sales, remember?) one that enriches our clients’ lives and fosters trust and respect or choose the opposite instead.

But pay attention: I am not suggesting you let others take advantage of you – in fact, setting strong boundaries and clear business practices is one of the 3 pillars of conscious business.

The 3 pillars of Conscious Business for Photographers: Ask for permission

One of the most common mistakes I see in marketing and sales is to just assume that everyone who contacts us asking for info is doing so because they want to buy from us (or book) there and then, and because of this we are entitled to chase them, follow up, and then consider them “time wasters” if they don’t take part to this fast and furious exchange.

Think about your own experience entering a shop.

Do you prefer being given a little time to look around and compare, and ask questions, or being followed around by someone who won’t let you go unless you explicitly tell them in 4 languages that no, you are not ready to buy?

A simple way for you to address this when people contact you is to… ask.

Especially when running ads, I strongly invite you to ask a simple question “I’d love to send you more details for your specific request, are you looking into booking a session as soon as possible or simply gathering information?” (now this is very formal, so adapt it to your style).

Other questions you might want to ask:

“I need to talk with my partner”

“Of course, no problem! Would you like me to get in touch next Tuesday to remind you of the deadline for this offer?”


“Of course, no problem! Would you like me to get in touch next week to check if you are interested in booking a session then?”

Silence in reply to this question is an answer.


Yes, assuming people are doing their best does not mean excusing their behaviour, not holding them accountable.

At the same time, trusting people does not mean allowing them to take advantage of us.

Brené Brown (Dare to Lead) explains this perfectly when she says that the most compassionate and generous people are also the most “boundaried”, but that most people struggle to set clear boundaries.

You can read more about boundaries and how to set them in this articlebut I will give you another practical example.

In your contract, you most likely have some clauses or terms that you absolutely want clients to know about: cancellation terms, delivery times, or simply opening hours and how to contact you for business-related matters.

Well, having them in your contract is great – but even better is pointing those terms out to your clients ALSO in the email that accompanies the contract asking if there are doubts or questions. 

This means you are not only “legally” protected, but you have also shown your clients that you are clear and firm about your terms – and not scared to enforce them.

It turns out that we assume the worst about people’s intentions when they’re not respectful of our boundaries. It’s easy to believe that they are trying to disappoint us on purpose.” 

What if everybody in the marketplace did the same?

This has always been my guiding principle for creating my own ads, but it works for most business practices.

When you are in doubt about doing something, in marketing or business, ask yourself: what would happen if everybody in my industry did the same?

Think about Venture (and they are not alone): they have forever affected negatively the way some people think and view newborn photographers, making your potential clients more sceptical and difficult to deal with.

The examples, unfortunately, are endless.

Offering “free downloads” just in order to harass people with salesy newsletters, free calls that are sales calls, etc… etc… etc…

As you can see, Conscious Business is nothing complicated – or particularly new.

As I always say, it simply is a way of treating every business act as an act of care.

The Shift: Conscious Business for Photographers” is one of the 4 core programs of our coaching, together with the Marketing Mastermind for Newborn Photographers, the Perfect Pricing Blueprint and Pathway to Creation: Creative Marketing for Photographers.

To learn more about our hands-on approach to marketing that works to get you bookings, visit www.growyourphotographystudio.com

5 years ago, when I took my first photography client on board, I felt like I was going back in time.

So many tools and strategies that were well known and widely used in other industries were not only unknown to photographers but were also rejected and dismissed whenever I mentioned them in photography groups (and my gratitude goes to Maddy Rogers for trusting my words before anyone else).

Despite my frustration, I knew those strategies were going to be very much present in the future of this industry… and I could see that from my clients’ results.

My “marketing life” was so easy back then.

Then, 2020 and lockdown arrived… and I remember waking up the morning after the announcement more determined than ever to keep everybody focused, to help everybody be ready for the next steps.

The moment lockdown began, I knew marketing would change forever and I wrote so everywhere.

I knew social media and ads were the easiest and fastest go-to tool for businesses to sell, so I knew “fast” marketing would become harder.

I also knew that there was no “going back to normal” because those unable to work due to restrictions would want (and need) to catch up when reopening.

Of course, what I could not foresee were a war and recession and so here we are, 5 years later, surrounded by trainers and photographers who have now discovered the tools and techniques my clients have been using for years.

Am I worried?

No, because to me, that is the past of marketing. That age is gone forever, and photography is not the first industry going through a shift of this magnitude.

That’s why my priority for the last 6 months has been defining what’s needed for us all to succeed in the next 5 years.

There has not been a day where my brain has not been processing and observing, and then processing some more.

Feedback from photographers, other coaches, and trainers, mixed with my own perception and experience.

And now things are clear.

There are four things needed for us to stay sane, ahead of others and profitable in the next 5 years:

1 – More unique and new FAST strategies (and yes, this includes social media and ads)

With so many walking on the path we have paved, the “usual” won’t keep working forever.

And for sure, you don’t want to end up fighting over a £20 session fee with every photographer around you.

This is why the Marketing Mastermind will always be a big part of the coaching.

The Marketing Mastermind for Newborn Photographers is a 1-to-1 marketing coaching with 3 unique characteristics:

  1. It offers hands-on help to get you bookings. From advertising to writing posts and landing pages, we do the work together
  2. It is 100% tailored to your studio. We don’t copy and paste strategies because we know that every business is different.
  3. It uses marketing that feels good. No pressuring, pushing people, no dancing in front of your phone just because “reels are the future”.

2 – The ability to connect with our clients on a deeper level 

… trust me – we are all fed up with being sold stuff every moment of every day.

I see it from data, that “tricks” don’t work anymore. Our clients know that if they spend enough time looking around, they will find amazing quality at an amazing price.

So, if you think what makes you unique is either of these things… we have a problem.

Connecting with clients simply means better, more meaningful content that truly shows your clients who you are.

Why? Because that makes you irreplaceable.

But I know creating great content is not easy, especially when writing is involved, and that is why we are introducing “Pathway to Creation: Creative Marketing for Photographers.”

This is all about using your creativity, and photography, to create meaningful marketing content.

We’ll develop creative photography projects, visuals and any format of media that comes naturally to you and we’ll bring it to life for your audience to see.

I won’t be alone in this journey, you will be helped by other coaches, trainers and our partner labs.

3 – Tired yet? Time for a story

When I was in school PE for girls was volleyball. Every week.

Now, if you have ever met me in person, you know there is not one cell in my body engineered for that. Not one, and I don’t even like it.

So, every week was a nightmare, every Tuesday I would try to escape the torture. A whole hour of feeling inadequate and hating it all. Just let me do something else, ANYTHING.

But no, you’re a girl, volleyball it is.

That story, and many more similar ones, are what life feels like if you are not engineered for the mainstream.

And if you enjoy working with me… you are not.

Whether it’s “too short,” too tall, too big, too sensitive, overthinking, too shy, or too much of an introvert.

That’s why alternative views, paths, and ways of doing business matter so much to me, and why the world needs them so desperately now.

But here’s the thing:

No matter how good and needed these “alternative paths” are, if the world doesn’t know about them, if they are not sustainable (mentally and financially) for the ones carving them they cease to exist.

That’s why I am introducing The Shift: Conscious Business for Newborn Photographers.

From how to deal with business when you are highly sensitive to boundaries and kinder, warmer strategies to convert clients… The Shift combines my marketing background and experience as a certified Human Factors Trainer.

4 – And now something most of you already know, the Perfect Pricing Blueprint.

This, too, is here to stay and it continues to help photographers get more conversions and sell MORE without pushing and pressuring people.

So, there you have it, welcome to Grow Your Photography Studio v2!

Want to know more?

Book a 30-minute FREE DISCOVERY CALL

Hi, I am Giulia (weird, uh? It sounds like Julia – but it’s written with a “Gi”) and I am the founder of Grow Your Photography Studio.

I am known for my no-BS, hands-on approach to helping newborn photographers get more clients and grow a business they actually enjoy running. I believe marketing should not be a “necessary evil” and that taking action is the first and most fundamental step toward success.

Thinking about our Marketing Mentoring programme? Read this first

We don’t do sales calls, but if you feel we might be a good fit you can book a free discovery call to work with me for an hour and see how that feels.

You know?

The one rushing through questions nobody is interested in, in the first place, just to get to the point where you leave the bar together.

Except, you can clearly see through it. And that’s why it feels gross.

Or like a ridiculous waste of time if, after all, you would not mind being asked out.

But what’s this got to do with marketing?

What makes marketing feel gross – like some dates – is not having an “agenda” (getting the sale), but trying to hide it.


What’s even worse, is that we don’t realise how this approach makes marketing feel gross not only for our clients… but also for ourselves.

Marketing with a hidden agenda is that feeling you get when you tell a lead “I only have two spaces left, make sure you don’t miss out” when the only appointment in your diary is your best friend’s birthday.

Is that “I hate writing” you feel in your core, when writing for marketing is reduced to “what can I write that’s gonna get me likes and enquiries right away so I don’t feel totally invisible?”.

At the core of this, there is the idea that being good means convincing people. Means getting them to say yes.

Yes, book me in. I don’t really know if you are the right one but I don’t want to miss out.

Yes, I’ll buy wall art. That new phone. That car. That course. I’ll regret it, but there we go – you have convinced me.

And it makes sense, because “yes” feels good. It feels like a win. It feels like money.

“No”, on the other hand, feels like… rejection. 


Here’s the thing.

In business, same as in your personal life, going out with the wrong person has consequences. 

If you are lucky, you’ll only end up hating your dinner and how uncomfortable, even awkward, the evening felt.

But even if that’s not the case, rest assured you’ll regret that yes. Maybe even months down the line.

Maybe, you won’t even be aware of the consequences. 

A bad review (for your studio, that is), or simply a bunch of clients who “would not really recommend” you.

So what if marketing was not about getting people to say yes, but about making it easy for people to decide whether we are a “yes” or a “no” to them? 

What if marketing was not about finding our ideal client, but about making sure who we are is so clear that it’s easy for them to recognise us? (More on the relation between “who you are” and your brand here).


Ok, but that’s just theory – how do we put all of this into practice?

Let’s start with a simple excercise: let’s write something that will resonate with your ideal client, and repel your “nightmare” client


Think about enquiries and questions you have received in the last few months.

Think about those that raise all of your alarm bells.

Could be people sending you a one line email that looks like “hi i’m interested in a baby session can you give me prices tx”. You know the one.

Could be someone sending you 30 images of babies in props, asking if you can do the same, when not a trace of a prop can be found on your pages.

Or maybe, simply, you don’t want to deal with any more “oh we are just looking for a few digitals”. To the point where reading that sentence would make you go “I’m fully booked”.

Choose one of these alarm-bell-raising questions and write it down.


Now think about something that for you is a non-negotiable, something that must be true for a client to be a good fit.

Could be… liking deep, rich colours.

Or liking posed images because you don’t do lifestyle.

Again, choose one non-negotiable and write it down.


Now, the easy part.

  1. Take your “must-have” and turn it into a sentence that sounds like: If you love [must have] you will love a session with me.

For example: 

If you love a rich, deep colour over any “baby pink”, you will love a session at [studio name].

If you love the idea of natural, unposed images of your newborn baby, a session with me is exactly what you are looking for.

  1. Take your “hell no” and list it in a “we might not be a good fit if” sentence.

For example: 

If you are only looking for a couple of digital images, we might not be a good fit. Although there is no obligation to purchase when you come for your viewing appointment, from the moment you enquire we will work to create a stunning gallery of minimum 20 images of your baby and most of my packages offer the best savings when you buy all of them.


Use these sentences on your homepage or first reply to an enquiry.


If you have followed me until here, you probably felt good about the “if you love” sentence.

And terrified by the “hell no” one, because that will make people say no.

And “no” means losing a sale.

No means rejection.

But in the end, it all comes down to this: creating a business we love and that feels beautiful requires awareness of who we are, and what we want, and the courage of leaving behind whatever is not gonna get there.

Hi, I am Giulia (weird, uh? It sounds like Julia – but it’s written with a “Gi”) and I am the founder of Grow Your Photography Studio.

I am known for my no-BS, hands-on approach to helping newborn photographers get more clients and grow a business they actually enjoy running. I believe marketing should not be a “necessary evil” and that taking action is the first and most fundamental step toward success.

Feeling on the brink of burnout? Read our guide “Photographers on the brink of burnout

Thinking about our Marketing Mentoring programme? Read this first

Most of our lives are filled with too much pressure.

Financial pressure, expectations, emails, messages and… time pressure. When you have your own business, time pressure and the constant feeling of being about to drown because you simply don’t have time to it all can easily bring you to the point of breakdown.

Shooting, organising studio and props, editing, ordering, answering emails and messages from clients, and on top of all this… MARKETING.

Social media.

Blogs, welcome guides, reels, ads, websites.

No wonder time, or the lack of it, is something we need to address so often during our coaching call on the Marketing Mastermind for Newborn Photographers.

But since all of these activities are essential to our business… is there even a solution to the problem?

After all, being too busy – literally to the point of burnout – is not only seen as normal but often celebrated. 


Truth is, being “too busy” does not only make us sick in the long term, it can also have catastrophic consequences for our business. Being too busy, and too tired, often means things don’t happen fast enough because you are always trying to catch up with what needs to be done.

This also means your energy, creativity and brainpower are not being used much for “high level” decisions and planning.

We are so busy working on the daily maintenance of our “car” that we lose sight of what matters the most: our destination, and how to get there.


Ever noticed how, when you feel overwhelmed, even the tiniest request or annoyance can push you over the edge?

That I just can’t do this feeling.

So here is the first recommendation: write a list of all the activities you are responsible for in your business.

Important: I am NOT asking you for a to-do list.

Your list should resemble something like:

  • Handling enquiries and bookings
  • Shooting
  • Editing
  • Accounting
  • Buying props
  • Cleaning the studio
  • Social Media (list platforms)
  • Blog posts
  • Google My Business
  • Updating the website
  • Advertising

Write down as much as you can.
Then keep this list with you and keep adding to it.


Look at the activities you have marked and answer the following questions:

  1. How is this going to affect my business?
  2. Is it really necessary?
  3. Is it urgent?

Something necessary and urgent should, indeed, be addressed first.

Urgent but not necessary… should only be done when you have extra time, or outsourced when you have extra money.

Eliminate everything that is not necessary and write it on a separate list.


In the early days of my career, I remember spending Saturday evenings trying to learn how to do things I didn’t know how to do, fully aware that it wasn’t “my job” and that it was taking me much longer than it should have.

At the beginning that sometimes wasn’t even a choice, I just didn’t have the money to pay someone to do it.

But then, as time passed and the business kept growing, that habit did not leave me.

I got busier and busier, but I was still doing everything. 

One part of me still felt like I needed to save money for “more important things”, another part of me didn’t think others would do as good as a job.

After all, I was a perfectionist.

Until, one day, the reality of what I was doing started to sink in.

1 – The more time I was spending time doing things that “weren’t my job” (for example, building a website) the less time I had for those activities that could help me get more clients.

And you know what? That’s how you make money.

Money that you can in part invest to free more of your time, get more clients and live a more sustainable life.

2 – In most situations, I didn’t need my “suppliers” to do a perfect job.

If they were good enough to take the job from 0% to 90%, I could take it to 100%, get a great final product in 1/10 of the time.

Starting to outsource also gave me a chance to test suppliers, build a relationship with them and give them a chance to learn more about my business. Some of them have now been working with me for years and my “final touches” take minutes, not hours.

3 – Time and freedom have simply no price.

Our time is limited, for real. 

So how much is an hour of your time worth it? And should you really spend it doing something you should not be doing in the first place?

For me, the answer is not and let me tell you one thing: the sense of relief I felt the first time I paid someone $80 that gave me a free evening to do what I wanted was inebriating.

Back to your list, chances are sometimes you feel the way I described at the beginning of this section.

That “I could use this money for something else” and “I know I would not be happy, I am a perfectionist”.

I want you to mark all activities that make you feel like that.

A few that I think might be on your list: website (especially building it), blog posts, admin, accounting.

One part of me still felt like I needed to save money for “more important things”, another part of me didn’t think others would do as good as a job.

After all, I was a perfectionist.


Now you should have a list of activities that are necessary to your business and that you should not be doing.

Some of them will be urgent, some won’t.

Start from the urgent ones and evaluate options for outsourcing.

Ask in your favourite Facebook groups, ask other local businesses, and have a look at platforms like Fiverr.

When it comes to platforms like Fiverr please be extra careful with gigs that are way too cheap. There is always a reason.

Also, contact the seller before placing an order. Ask if they have worked with anyone in your industry before and, if that is the case, ask if you can see a sample of their work.

If not, ask for other samples.

And then just do it.

Outsourcing most of your activities won’t be a huge investment, so don’t waste weeks making a decision!

Part of your job as a business owner is to evaluate risks and make small decisions quickly, so your business can keep moving forward and your time and energy can be spent on what really matters.

Hi, I am Giulia (weird, uh? It sounds like Julia – but it’s written with a “Gi”) and I am the founder of Grow Your Photography Studio.

I am known for my no-BS, hands-on approach to helping newborn photographers get more clients and grow a business they actually enjoy running. I believe marketing should not be a “necessary evil” and that taking action is the first and most fundamental step toward success.

Feeling on the brink of burnout? Read our guide “Photographers on the brink of burnout

Thinking about our Marketing Mentoring programme? Read this first

“Will this work for me?”
“What if it doesn’t work?”
“And how is this different?”

Quite often, photographers who have tried other coaching or marketing programmes are always more careful and unsure about signing up for The Marketing Mastermind.

And in all honesty, I love it.

I love being asked the tough, uncomfortable questions.

To me, answering them is part of the coaching just as much as anything after that.


Finding a meaningful answer to this question it’s been a journey and, in some ways, it still is.

Want to know why?

Because the answer doesn’t lie in marketing.

It’s simple: What makes my coaching different is that I don’t try to hide the fact that growth is messy – as exhilarating and fun as uncomfortable and challenging at times – and I choose to be with you and help you navigate the whole of it.

We cheer and open fancy bottles of wine to celebrate our wins, but we also sit together when things don’t go as planned.

And then we go back and fix it, until the next celebration.

Does it mean I am just winging it and the coaching is a long trial and error process? No, of course not – snd I recommend you have a look at one of our testimonials or some of our reviews if you are wondering whether or not we can get you results, before reading further.

We have our go-to, reliable and tested strategies and tools… but sometimes the path to growth is more tortuous than expected. I acknowledge it so I can prepare for it, and ensure we know what to do in the unlikely event that happens.

So, if there is one question you should ask your next coach or trainer is “what are you going to do when things don’t go as planned?”.


There is a popular post that I have recently seen shared often on social media:

Running a business is hard. What they don’t tell you is that i causes severe anxiety, and drains you mentally to the point of depression in even the most laid back people.

[…] Starting up and running a successful business puts incredible strain on personal lives and relationships, many of which fail because there is just no work-life balance when starting a new business. You need to be the director, the worker, the admin, the marketing team, the accountant, the cleaner… All whilst being a parent, a husband or a wife…

There is a reason you don’t see many people succeed in small businesses after 5-10 years. It takes a toll. It’s freaking exhausting…

My take on this?

Running a business is hard, but what makes it unsustainable is the pressure the world around us put on us by trying to sell on the idea that it should be easy.

That being good at it, being successful, means not experiencing the ugly parts.

The doubts, the fears, the f*ck ups and bad days.

And since we would all LOVE to experience “the good” and avoid “the bad and the ugly”, that’s exactly what most courses and programs promise.

The problem with that?

If things were that easy there would not be any need for training and coaching in the first place.

So I expect that if we work together for a year bad days might happen – and if that’s the case we will acknowledge them, acknowledge it’s part of the process, and then move on to our next big achievement.

Running a business is hard, but what makes it unsustainable is the pressure the world around us put on us by trying to sell us on the idea that it should be easy.
That being good at it, being successful, means not experiencing the ugly parts.


Before answering that, let me tell you what I do to prevent you from joining the coaching if this is not the right programme for you:

1 – I offer a free 1-hour coaching call to help me learn more about you and to help you get a “taste” of the coaching.

2 – If, by the end of the call I feel we are not a good fit I will tell you so.

Yes, I am prepared to say “no” to a sale. My business, like yours, is built on my reputation. Long term, saying “yes” to everyone means unhappy clients.

Nobody wants that.

3 – I don’t use the coaching call as a sales call, so I don’t ask you to “buy” or “sign up” during the call.

Sure, the pressure would help me get a few more clients but… see point 2.

4 – I offer a 30 days money-back guarantee. Yes, I mean it, and no, I never had to use it.

Also, let me share with you a few things you might not know about the way I work and how it is different:

1 – We have fortnightly 1-on-1 calls and catch-ups, so there is a very high level of accountability

2 – We are obsessed with tracking results, so we know if our efforts are paying off. For example, we create ads in a way that allows you to see exactly where each booking is coming from and how much it is costing.

3 – We use specialist partners to help you with very specific aspects of digital marketing. For example, hashtag research is done by a specialist… because we don’t believe in “winging it”.

“Ok great, can you just tell me what happens if this doesn’t work?”

Simple: we will fix it.

I will give you a practical example of this.

Some of my clients joined the coaching just before the pandemic hit. Talk about things not going according to plan, eh?

Here is what I did with them:

1 – I did not stop the coaching during the various lockdowns, I thought that support was actually needed then more than ever.

2 – However, I recognised that many things could simply not be done because of the circumstances… so I extended my clients’ agreements free of charge. Crazy? Maybe, but fair on them.

3 – I worked incredibly hard to ensure we could adapt our strategies FAST to how I thought marketing would change after the pandemic.

And boy, has marketing changed.

From advertising to social media and the fears your clients have (more on this here).


If you have just found this article on social media… welcome to this crazy family.

I am Giulia (weird, uh? It sounds like Julia – but written with a “Gi”) and I am the founder of Grow Your Photography Studio.

I am known for my no-BS, hands-on approach to helping newborn photographers get more clients and grow a business they actually enjoy running. I believe marketing should not be a “necessary evil” and that taking action is the first and most fundamental step toward success.

To see if we can really get you results, read one of our testimonials and a few reviews from our clients

Thinking about our Marketing Mentoring programme? Read this first